PlayStation VR Worlds
As is the case with any new gaming platform, your primary concern after hooking it up to your TV is going to be which software will most successfully show off the hardware you’ve just purchased. Sony has been prominently advertising PlayStation VR Worlds as the game that will do just that, with it essentially assuming the role of the PlayStation VR headset’s answer to Wii Sports , only with less bowling and more London gangsters telling you to f*** off. However, whereas Wii Sports was a game that remained firmly on rotation until the Wii spluttered its dying breaths, PSVR Worlds is destined for an infinitely shorter life span. PSVR Worlds is a collection of five mini-games, with each intended to highlight the capabilities of the headset. The London Heist is an on-rails shooter that whirls you through a couple of action set-pieces, each punctuated by snippets of a plot that happily apes...